
Case Study: QuizNe - Scaling the number of application instances with Amazon ECS

FTI - A Comprehensive AWS deployment partner in Vietnam market

QuizNe is an educational platform that uses gamification as a way to promote excitement in learning, and fun in various quizzes. QuizNe in the first 3 months grew to 10,000 MAU (monthly active users) and created over 100 different quizzes.

✅ QuizNe's challenges

1. As a new project and wanting to push it to the market, developing MVP (minimum viable features) and promoting images and deploying quiz demos are always continuously promoted by QuizNe. Putting resources into feature development is being given more attention than infrastructure operations.

2. The backend of the system is still applying the vertical scaling method and causing short-term downtime.

✅ FPT Telecom International's Solution

Implementing CI/CD with Amazon ECS and GitHub Actions

- GitHub Actions is a CI/CD platform integrated in GitHub (the tool that QuizNe programmers are familiar with) and FTI supports QuizNe to automate their deployment process. For example, QuizNe can run a script every time someone makes a pull or merge request for changes to a specific branch.
- FTI Consulting QuizNe deployed on Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a high-performance, highly scalable container orchestration service that supports Docker containers and allows for easy launch and scale containerized applications on AWS. Amazon ECS eliminates the need for QuizNe to install and operate container orchestration software, manage and scale a cluster of virtual machines, or schedule containers across those virtual machines.

Implementing Auto Scaling for Amazon ECS

- Auto Scaling is the ability to automatically increase or decrease the desired number of tasks in the Amazon ECS service. Amazon ECS leverages the Application Auto Scaling service to provide functionality to backend systems.
- Amazon ECS Service Auto Scaling supports the following types of auto scaling:
+ Target tracking scaling policies — Increase or decrease the number of tasks that your service runs based on a target value for a specific metric. (to meet the times when the number of users increases during the day)
+ Scheduled Scaling —Increase or decrease the number of tasks that your service runs based on the date and time. (to meet times when running marketing campaigns or large events with up to thousands of people)

✅ Outcomes & Benefits

⭐Reduce complex infrastructure configuration and operations tasks.

⭐Reduce downtime when needing to expand the system, and can expand automatically

⭐New image creation tasks are automated, reducing go-live time for new features

⭐Receive dedicated support from the FTI team.

✅ About FPT Telecom International (FTI)

⭐FPT Telecom is an AWS Advanced Technology Partner. Since January 2021, FPT Telecom has become Amazon Direct Connect Delivery Partner of AWS in Asia Pacific (APAC). From January 2, 2022, FPT Telecom becomes AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner providing AWS consulting, payment and Managed Service solutions.

⭐In March 2022, FPT Telecom was the first partner in Vietnam to achieve AWS Networking ISV Competency, this certification validates a partner's ability and in-depth experience in consulting, implementing, and administering AWS Direct Connect. Moreover, FPT Telecom is also an AWS Public Sector Partner, certification has experience in providing solutions to government, educational and non-profit organization clients throughout the Vietnam region and around the world.

⭐Information overview of FPT Telecom on APN: https://partners.amazonaws.com/partners/0010h00001cCj5aAAC/
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0305793402 first issued by the Department of Planning and Investment of Ho Chi Minh City on May 22, 2008